kelsey’s blah blah blahg


This morning I'm thinking about time, partially inspired by this article that a friend alerted me to recently (I'd read it around its publication date, but forgot about it) and also because I've been struggling to keep track of time since returning from Japan a little more than a month ago.

I'm interested in the concept of time dilation because I've found that time does not necessarily "fly" when I'm having fun. I've also read that time dilation occurs when you're engaging with something novel. That theory tracks when I think about how my week-long trip to Japan felt much closer to 2 weeks since I'd never visited before and do not speak the language. My trip was fun and sometimes uncomfortable and will have lasting impact on my perception of the world.

I'm disturbed by the difference in my perception of time before, during, and after Japan, but I've also observed that time moves more slowly when I'm intensely concentrated on this blog or "slow made crafts" like beadwork. I think I put a lot of pressure on myself to write something polished/"worth reading" here, when I should in fact acknowledge that my dear reader is probably voyeuristic and doesn't give a shit about my writing ability. In short, this anxiety is alerting me to things I'm neglecting.

That being said, I am grateful for people being interested in what I do here and the imagined audience does encourage me to be better. While blogging is a separate activity from what I do in my journals, there is bound to be overlap with the sentiment found in both since I am one person, and that's totally fine. It has been an interesting experiment and one that I'm committed to seeing through.

Anyway. If you're interested in checking out more content related to time, I recommend this music video and this one.

#music #time #writing about writing