kelsey’s blah blah blahg

more pen talk

Any hobbyist who’s spent time on Reddit or YouTube is familiar with the idea of “shopping one’s collection.” To shop your collection means to use the things you already have, even after their novelty’s worn off. It must be easier to inspire people with visions of consumerism instead visions of staying at home and taking stock of useful items. Anyway,

The fountain pen I bought yesterday is the Sailor Tuzu. Its gimmick is that it has an adjustable grip. Most people are saying its competitor is the Lamy Safari, some are arguing the Platinum Procyon instead. I’ll have all three pens when the Tuzu arrives, but I’m already anticipating that I’ll agree with the former or both. Perhaps it’s comparable to the Safari because both pens have plastic bodies and triangular grips, but comparable to the Procyon in that both have slightly elevated steel nibs compared to their entry-level equivalents (like the Platinum Preppy).

I haven’t done anything all weekend. I forgot how good writing feels as it tricks me into thinking I’m more active.
